Bodyboarding off Ala Moana Beach Park, O’ahu
I captured these images of surfers off the Magic Island side of Ala Moana Beach Park in Honolulu, Oa’hu looking toward the Waianae Mtns. in west O’ahu.
Party on the Plaza
After the election of a new POTUS was confirmed, a whole bunch of people filled up 16th street in front of Lafayette Square. Honking car horns were also numerous.
Fall on the Mall
There was a lot more red color this year then usual. They say that it has to do with a lack of rain, and warmer temperatures.
Vietnam Veterans Memorial
This is something you don’t see very often, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial with few or no visitors. Part of what makes it so powerful is seeing people interact with the names on the wall by rubbing them, or leaving notes and other items, but without that it is still a moving experience.
Deer at Dinner
This buck apparently didn’t feel that I was intruding on his dinner as he kept on eating. He would occasionally move around to other spots, but kept munching as more people and cars came by over the next hour.
A selection of some of my favorites that I took over the last week.
Barred Owl on Cable
Sitting on a power line doesn’t seem very wise to me, but this barred owl appears to think otherwise.
The Thunderbirds & Blue angels Flyover DC
They did this flyover in support of the health care workers during the Coronavirus pandemic.
The Bees are at Work
They appear to be maintaining the distancing here in the Azaleas and don’t spend very long in one spot.
Kwanzan Cherry Blossoms in Bloom on MacArthur Blvd.
These always show up a couple weeks after the Yoshino variety that are down on the mall. They almost look like carnations.