Puppy in the Park
I walked down to a nearby park yesterday and came across this furry friend relaxing by the stream.
Hawk in the Woods
I was inside most of yesterday, but saw this Hawk flying among the trees in the park across the street so I went out. The Cornell/allbirds site says it is a Red-shouldered hawk, or maybe a broad-shouldered hawk.
Lincoln Memorial: Dusk to Dark
I went up to the Lincoln Memorial the other day to experiment with long exposures and night shooting with a higher ISO. Unfortunately the reflecting pool is drained right now for cleaning so I’ll have to go back in a month to get that long shot of it.
Turtles on the C&O
These reptiles were catching some sun and unseasonal warmth on the C&O Canal on this winter day
These from a trip to Brazil are from L to R: 4 from the Carnaval parade in the Rio de Janeiro Sambodromo; The Jardim Botânico in Rio; 2 at Iguacu Falls on the border with Argentina; The train over the mountains from Curitiba to Paranagua; 6 from the Pelourinho neighborhood of Salvador da Bahia; Praia...
Victory Parade for the Washington Nationals, 11/2/19
A parade was held on this sunny Saturday afternoon to honor the 2019 World Series Champion Washington Nationals. It went down Constitution Avenue between 15th and 3rd followed by a rally on Pennsylvania Avenue.
Fridays For Future Climate Strike, U.S. Capitol, 9/20/19
Fridays For Future student climate strikes took place all over the world on this date. This one was infant of the US Capitol, and there were also lots of adults in attendance.
Surfing on O’ahu, Pt.1
These were all taken at ‘Ehukai beach on the North Shore of O’ahu, Hawai’i.